
Stress Reliever



5 Years
Extra large
10-16-2013, 01:50 PM

She would notice his lingering gaze and as he allowed his eyes to return to her features, he would see something flare up in her emeralds, something he hadn't seen before. What was it? He didn't have the slightest clue, but it was something new and special, he knew that much. As the pair continued to eat, he would feel something brush against his ebony tail. Icy gaze would spare a side glance towards Maija, realizing that her tail had been the thing that brushed against his own. A ghost of a smile curled his jaws as he allowed his tail to return to motion, draping across her golden one before retreating back, the titan acting as if it were the most normal thing in the world, jaws continuing to work at the rabbit.

The King finished his meal before his companion, the bones and fur lying in disarray around his paws. Both wolves had blood covered jaws and even with her lips stained in blood, his companion still looked very beautiful. He would see her gaze lift to meet his own and there was that something again that he'd seen when they'd started their meal. What was it and what did it mean? He hoped he would figure it out soon. A cool winter breeze would pass the two by, throwing their coats this way and that way. The King relished in the feel of the cool air, watching Maija as she suddenly began moving towards the little frozen stream a little ways off. Surely she wasn't thinking about taking a drink? The water was completely frozen over; there were no cracks to access the water from. What was- His smaller companion was suddenly trying to beat the ice with her forelimbs. She would only try once before she would back away from the water, lips curled back against her teeth. Clearly it didn't go as planned.

She was clearly aggravated and in need of a drink. Perhaps he could give it a go. Moving forward and past Maija, Taurig took his turn against the ice. The titan would push himself back onto his hind limbs, haunches tensing as his weight as thrown backwards. He waited a moment until he was up high enough before allowing the front half of his body to come back down, slamming powerfully against the ice. Maija had managed to loosen the ice and with his strike, it gave way. The ice cracked beneath his paws, cold water rushing to the surface. A hiss would escape the King's jaws as he pulled back, his toes brushing against the chilled water. They would be shaken as he cast his gaze back towards Maija, a triumphant smile twisting his features.

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