
not a sound but a flap of wings

hunt pack expansion



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
11-14-2022, 10:18 PM
Usagi had lurked protectively over his brother since they returned to Tojo-kai. Sayuri’s disappearance and assumed loss had shaken the piebald man deeply, and the Hohei had vowed to keep watch, just in case whoever committed the crime decided to resurface. It wasn’t something he let go so easily, and the concern over Roo’s safety lingered. But when their Kaicho had offered the chance for Kuroo to lead a hunting expedition to the Ancient Oaks, Usagi felt it was a good way for the two of them to hunt together again. To participate in normal activities again. To just be together, like they always had been. He didn’t hesitate to accompany his brother to the clearing surrounded by mountanous trees, their roots gnarled and warped across the hard earth. They’d tracked a scent together - little Fuji tagged along, which he had to worry about too - fiery she was, and he didn’t need her to jump in and do anything too reckless. It was almost as if she mirrored some aspect of his own personality - which he’d deny, of course.

When they approached the trickling creek, its shallow stream bubbling gently, Kuroo paused, having them convene in a shadowy set of bushes lining tue creek’s edge. Kuroo mentioned the large swans and how they could each grab a part of one to take it down more easily. Usagi’s chartruse gaze flickered intently at the four plump creatures, their bellowing song and massive wings giving them quite a formidable air compared to smaller fowl. He glanced briefly to Fuji as she proudly exclaimed she’d tackle its feet, which really left Usagi with one choice - but he was going to step in for the tiny child if she was at risk of getting scratched. Gods only knew what trouble he’d get into if Sedna saw her injured.

”I’ll take the wings, then,” Usagi said, voice low. He crouched down on his haunches, waiting for Kuroo to give some sort of signal to strike.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—