
Purple rain (Fatalis pups!)

Aris Fatalis x Tyrfing Finnvi litter for adoption!



Advanced Intellectual (60)

Advanced Healer (60)

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - PansexualPride - Demisexual
11-15-2022, 01:29 PM
Proposed name: Tolis
Gender: Male
design #: 7 (Would prefer to make him a twin to get to use this design if need be but just in case listing 8 as a backup design.)

Appearance: Tolis will never be massive, even as a child it'll be evident he's a smaller wolf. Though he hardly seems bothered by this. As an adult he will stand 26 inches tall, only a head or so taller than his own small mother, and much like her, he will also never really put on bulky muscle, as he matures his frame will fill out to a runner's build but he'll never have the warrior build the Fatalis name might normally imply. He is not quite dainty though, rather he'll be lithe, athletic.

His coat is short but full, usually well-kempt to keep himself fast but not overly groomed. This coat is one of his most stunning features. The boy's base coloration is ashen, the majority of his body is a grey-black, though his undersides are a soft grey that fades into the darker color. A grey-white marks him in two places, in an uneven blaze that colors his muzzle, running from the top of his nose to just between his eyes, and in a few brindled stripes on his shoulders. These alone would hardly make him worth noting but it's where the mingling of his genealogy that really makes Tolis stand out. The boy is marked by more striped patterns, marking the back of his neck, down to his forelimbs, along his back, and even near the end of his tail, and these markings are an aurora of color. The lower these markings sit on his body the more purple they appear, with his forelegs bearing the most clearly violet of stripes, as these markings move up his body they move through shades of purple towards blues, with the markings that sit along his spine being a turquoise in color. These colors also run in this same pattern on his tail though from closest to his rump to his tail tip. Finally, his Fatalis heritage cannot be argued as he wears a very familiar claw scratch-like marking on his left eye, this too runs through the colors of his striping.

The other most notable part of the boy, at least physically speaking is the two forms of heterochromia his eyes show. His right eye is a pale grey, not quite white. While his left eye is both a different color from the right, it also displays sectoral heterochromia, split nearly perfectly down the middle of his iris. The right half of this eye is a bright purple similar to his lower markings, while the left is a blue-green similar to the turquoise.

[26 Inches, and Light build regardless of design]

Personality: Tolis is a sponge, he will very early prove that you have to be careful what you say or do around children because they are fully capable of learning and repeating with high efficiency. When he's young the boy will hardly seem to differentiate himself from others, he is malleable and whatever opinion someone expresses will be his until someone offers a different one, he's clearly eager to please and if he does not have clues from others about what answer will best make them happy he will simply keep quiet. This may make him seem withdrawn one moment, and only too eager to be a yes man the next. Luckily as he grows it'll become clear it's not that he doesn't have his own opinions, he simply needs to get enough information to feel confident giving his own answer. Though he may always seem a bit flakey to those with strong convictions, as Tolis may still allow his opinions to change easily based on new information, or he may seem manipulative as he seems to sometimes cater his responses to best please others. This second thought may be a bit harder for Tolis to shake, not that he is inherently manipulative, but rather that he does usually adjust his behavior and words to placate others, to avoid ruffling too many feathers. It's not malicious, though it may be to get what he wants, Tolis simply finds it easier to adjust himself in this way than to be stubborn, makes it easier to get what he wants in the long run.

Not that there aren't things Tolis wouldn't hold his ground on, he's hardly a bleeding heart but he does have a small list of things that are unforgivably amoral, these things he will learn from his family, particularly his mother but he may be shaped by other adults largely present in his life. He cares deeply for his family and cares largely about living up to the standards he and others hold for himself because of that. He cares about reputation in the abstract though and while he does have some ego, it's not so large that he can't shrug off most things, and when push comes to shove if need be, he is willing to lie about things he doesn't agree with to get the outcome he wants.

One thing that will become clear even as he's young is that Tolis is a wanderer, he always wants to see something new, and it will be hard to keep in a single spot for long as a pup in particular. He will likely be among the first of his siblings to try pushing the boundaries of where they are or aren't allowed to go, at least until it catches up with him and he's punished for the first time. Then he'll be more reserved in his exploration, but also likely, more bored. Tolis will dream of the day that he is old enough to go off on his own and see the world, see new things. But for all his designs of being a world traveler, it will always be important for him to have a place to crash, and Tolis will never want that to be anywhere but where his family is.

Plans: For now I think Tolis would like to aim for the Watcher rank in Armada, but obviously can't say 100% what will or won't happen to change his trajectory. Otherwise standard plans apply, go out, make friends, maybe eventually settle down and carry on the bloodline. Current Skill plans are Nav and Intellect but open to swapping Intellect if his interests change.
[Image: 6UZMUzp.png]

Art by Sigath

Warning: Emile's threads may be potentially triggering as he is suffering from extreme mental duress, his threads may include themes of suicidal ideation and physical and emotional self harm. Please take care of yourself and thread at your own discretion.
Emile has a ring of jagged scars around his right eye from the events of the ooze, most of his art do not show this. His profile has been updated to reflect this.

Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.