
i like the sad eyes, bad guys



11-15-2022, 03:04 PM

What had even brought him here? Dragged him here? Dragged. Accurate, actually. Cain wasn't really sure about this place, overall. It was clear that he was different from the rest, possibly in the worst way. The absolute worst way. Unsure of himself, unsure of what was happening... but here he was, regardless. For a time, it seemed that the ghosts had calmed down some. When he'd first arrived they were near silent, like they were watching. Waiting. Trying to figure out what Cain's next move would be.

It was clear to him now that they'd just been forming a plan. Calculating. The ghosts dragged him from his sleep today, waking him from a sleep that was nothing more than restless. He was so tired, and yet... and yet he was awake. Why was he awake? No rest for the wicked, the ghosts came. Right. Right, that was the problem. No rest for the wicked, so Cain would be awake. He dragged himself from the foxhole he'd been passed out in, bedraggled and bleary eyed.

Curiously, Cain drew to the edge of the cliff, looking out at the reflection of the moon in the wine-dark sea below. Though he wanted to be calm, there was no helping the cold chill of anxiety in his system. His stomach churned, but he couldn't draw back from the edge. Cautiously, he set his belly down in the grass. Looking. Peering. Watching the sea below.