
Lessons On Making Things

Fiametta <3


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
11-15-2022, 09:40 PM
The time with Fiametta making bracelets has been fun for the blue boy and he is always eager to help others learn. When Fia mentions that she has helped Avacyn thread beads before, Ricin gives a short bark of laughter and says, “Ha! That explains a lot. It took me a long time to find the right rhythm and way to get beads threaded. Uh, not to say that you can’t be that good… I just mean… you are great at it as it is... But, uh, anyway…” The boy has always been great at putting his paw in his mouth and he decides to concentrate extra hard on his work.

They braid the leather strips, adding beads and small trinkets as they go until they are ready to measure and tie off the ends. Ruby eyes look to the tall girl and he says, “Okay, now we will knot off the ends and then, make a special type of slip knot so they will be easy to slip on and off! Okay, first we tie the ends like this…” Dark tipped paws move over the stripes, weaving them together until there is a strong knot to keep the braids in place while leaving a good length of extra strings dangling. Looking to Fia, he watches her work and offers his help where needed.

Once she is done, Ricin goes on to say, “Okay now we take the other knotted end and bring it to the loose stripes.” He demonstrates, pulling the knot from the nail, before going on, “Now take the three loose ends, wrap them around the knot and tie them like so…” paws move, looping the stripes and tying them off so that knot can be pulled through to tighten the bracelet where needed and can be loosened to slip off when wanted. Once done, he places his jewelry over his right paw and slides it up before using his teeth to pull the knot and tighten it into place.

Eyes sparkling, Ricin shows it off to Fia and says, “Cool, right?” With a grin, he offers his paws as needed until she too, has a cool bracelet like him.

"Ricin Dauner"