
Roll Call

Elysium Fight Training



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
11-15-2022, 09:46 PM

She gave everyone a moment to speak up but it seemed she gave all the details needed for the lesson.  She stepped back from Alastor once she was done with her teasing little show and remained standing in front of her warrior peers. She didn't judge any one of them, no matter how small or inexperienced they could have been. She wasn't one to hold a bad perception over those around her.

"Alright," She stated a little confidently to the fallen silence, maybe a little eager to step down from the spotlight and go about her day. "Sieges are a little more serious. One or two of us may need to retreat back into the more secluded mountain ranges to protect those who can't protect themselves. Though, I'm sure not many of us have that problem." She chuckled a little to the thought. Elysium was filled with rather strong and intellectual wolves, but there may have been a day where there were more pups or healer types that would need help defending themselves.

"It's more than likely our attackers are coming to hurt and maim us, but again look for Manea or Alastor before making any hard assumptions. Hold onto a line of defense until you have that clarity. And be prepared to fight for your pack mates as well, I've heard stories of sieges going south with kidnapping or taking prisoners. A little less likely on our own lands but anything could happen." She glanced to Alastor for just a second before looking back at the rest of the members here, "That's about all for today. Break into sparring partners and then you can all head back to your dens or duties." She'd wait to see the others start to move off from the gathering, observing those that stayed to spar with each other alongside Alastor. It was at least relieving to not be the center of attention anymore as much as she held her composure through the meeting.

F2U base by AshKatu