
You belong to me forever and always


10-16-2013, 03:44 PM

Doesn't strike me as your type. A smirk tugged as the corner of her mouth, already the young brute was catching on. She heaved up her ever growing mass, turning on sturdy limbs to approach the shadow that had settled himself some distance from her. "I'm no fool, of course he won't have a part of them." She didn't speak until she had stood beside him and her crown had lowered so her kissers were millimeters from his ear. Tones were eerily gentle, spoken softly.

"You on the other hand...." She pressed her nose roughly into the side of his neck, applying pressure until he rolled onto his side. Silver crown lifted slightly to meet his amethyst gaze. Her own pools of coral darkened with undeniable emotions. There was no love or compassion or longing, only something darker. She needed his upmost loyalty if he was to stand beside her when she birthed the little demons growing in her womb.

She needed to break the last of his resistance that she knew he still harbored. She needed to gain his trust and make him dependent on her, make him crave her every moment of every day. She was going to steal the last little bit of innocence he still had. Assuming he still had it. Lips curled back in a silent and, for once, harmless snarl. He was a year old still. A damn little baby. None the less, sharp gems continued to lay into the brute, careful calculating plans forming in her wicked him.

OOC- Cat is gonna try and seduce Bas

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"