
A whole lot of water


The Hallows

Master Fighter (241)

Expert Navigator (182)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
11-16-2022, 11:13 PM

Bowen certainly had a captive audience watching her as she lay down.  Thorn wasn’t going to miss anything she had to say.  Storytime apparently was going to come with being pulled in to lay with his aunt.  Happy to stick close for a story anyway Thorn shifted to push his back up against her side, squirming a bit until he was sure she had become a good plushy brace for his back.  

Aunt Bowen had actually been out on the sea instead of just watching it from the shore. His eyes shifted from her face to the sand, watching her paw draw out the lines of a ship.  The image of the ship itself was wonderful but then he learned long straight structure was called a mast.  His brow furrowed taking in all the information.  “So the mast is what makes the ship go forward?” After that she got a smaller one and went to find land.  How big had the first one been, and the second?  The word ‘we’ was also part of it Thorn realized a moment later.  His mind tried to sort out where to begin on questions.

Still, the questions waited as Bowen continued on, speaking of how deep it got.  Diving underwater? Woah, that sounded like a great idea.  Thorn couldn’t imagine spinning about underwater and he was fairly certain he didn’t want to understand it.  The boy’s tail paused at points as he soaked in details but then it what swat back and forth, thumping against Bowen’s coat.  The information ended with a kiss and a promise to teach him more when he got older.  That meant it was question time!  There were so many though to choose from.

“So, who were you with when you went on the ship? Was it others in the pack?  How big were the two ships?  You actually swim under the water?  What sort of stuff is under the water?” Uh, there were other questions but he should stop for answers and try to remember each question that seemed to bring about others. “When can we go swimming?  How big do I gotta be for us to do that?”

"Thorn Carpathius"