
Its nice to see home again.(rejoining)


10-16-2013, 04:36 PM
Forward, forward did he go. Pull himself out of the ashen pit and rise to all four limbs did he do. No more did his broken leg hold him back. Fully healed and recovered Thane was on the path back to normalcy. His daughter had come home, as did his beloved. Despite the loss of her memory he would help her remember. There was much work to do but all but one were still home. And he waited for that one lost son to come home. Thane would wait forever if he had to, just like he had with Ookami. So he went back to wandering the borders looking for wolves to accept.

At this moment did the stars he could not see at this time of day bless him once more. A howl rang throughout the air as all too familiar yet slightly more mature vocals let loose a howl.

"Ravine..." he would whisper to himself in surprise as the man stopped dead in his tracks.

White lined ears perked up to listen until the sound seceded.Right after that did his gray legs carry him towards his son. Today was the day they would all be home, Ravine was the key, the last piece to the puzzle.

Dark gray paws would push off the earthen ground repeatedly,bringing the brute closer and closer to his son.

Slowing down to a jog, turning into a walk Thane finally had the boy in sight. Not a sound escaped his lips, and no emotion was shown from his deceiving features. He felt so happy inside, so excited that he was finally home.

Walking up to his son the man could not help but welcome his son home with a nuzzle atop his head. Taking a step back he would admire how much the boy had grown. He and his brother seemed to have had their heads fit their ears now. Their build looked stronger and lost was that lanky puppy look. Although, the puppy look was still cute. But Thane would never have that word pass his lips. Not more than a moment passed by though until a smile broke through the wolf's features.

"Welcome home son." he would proudly say in a welcoming voice.

Alas,his son was lost but has now been found, returned safely was he now, their family was complete again once more.

"Everyone's back home now. Your mother and sister have come home as well. Despite the fact that I may have been harsh on your sister disappearing I find that yelling is not my thing still. But just like I told your sister when she got home as well. Next time you go out on a big adventure you must tell me or your mother first. Understand?" he said

Looking at his boy now Thane knew his children were already past a year old, but only a year and one more season in. He knew all too well they wouldn't have to tell him once they matured a bit more. Then again it was even harder to have to let them go eventually.

Figuring hr would tell the boy of Ookami's memory loss after things were settled Thane would speak once more.

"I'm able to accept you back son. But if you seek out Chrysanthe if she does not come then I can help with that later. As for now we will wait a moment. In addition to that I have news for you, but do not be alarmed, everything's going to be alright..." he said

The man knew everything was on it's way back to normal. He would help Ookami remember while he tried to keep their children in check. All three of them were home now, safe and sound, and alive. Hope was not the only thing that flickered in his heart now. Determination stood alongside it, strong and firm as it would help him through the rest of the events.