
Pumpkin Patch Pals



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
11-17-2022, 09:04 PM
Talyssa watched intently as Mercury made the first incision into their subject. The act of his cutting was quite satisfying to witness, as his unique set of claws were quite effective. Once he had completed the circle around the stem, the top came off with ease. Looking inside, it was nearly identical to the pumpkin that she had carved with her mother. But at the sound of his voice, her attention realigned to him. The confirmation that her mother 'had the right idea' left her with a beaming grin. Of course her Momma knew what she was talking about, she was brilliant!

Looking back into the corded clumps of sliminess that clung to the interior of their victim, she was struck with a sense of excitement. When Mercury assigned her the task of being the one to perform the disembowelment, her tail drummed against the ground in enthusiasm. He tilted it to its side to provide her a better vantage point, and without any further prompting, she reached a flexed paw into its depths and began raking out its guts in fist fulls. Once the majority of it had been removed, it was Mercury's turn to do the detail work. Though even through his concentration, he still made an effort for conversation. "Yes it is!" Lyssie answered. "But the first one is dying, so I wanted to make another." She explained. There were only so many pumpkins left, so she wanted to make sure she got the opportunity to carve a second one.

The Carpathius girl was very impressed with how meticulously her friend kept to his craft. He cut out her design perfectly! With each slice, her vision came closer and closer to becoming reality. Yet, when he prompted her with another question, she was easily distracted. "I hadn't ever thought about it before." Talyssa answered honestly. "I do like plants. I really like flowers ..." She trailed off as she lingered in the train of thought. "I just kinda like to know things. I want to learn as much as I can, in as many topics as I can." The tawny and white fae explained.

But as the topic faded from her mind, she delighted in the officially carved pumpkin as Mercury finished his assignment. "Mercury! It looks so good! Great job!" She squealed, taking a scrambled step back to get an even better look at the finished product. She loved it. And she absolutely, could not wait to show Briar.

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