
Play It Again




Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

4 Years
Extra large

1KPride - BisexualHomebodyStudentSamhain 2022
11-17-2022, 09:32 PM

Fia had been living her, well, average life. Average for any pup getting older and learning new ways and responsibilities, and training. She was diligent and eager to learn, but she did find these things relatively boring and she missed her younger lazy days. She did like taking runs and working on her strength and stamina, making things with Avacyn. But gathering in groups or even just discussing fighting methods wasn't really her forte. She preferred to work on those things in the moment.

Though, these weren't things on her mind now. As her first birthday came around, she was thinking back to that strange festival type thing where she met that boy. No solid thoughts really, but she had never really had the opportunity to make real friends. She had pack mates sure, and even while none her age they could have been good candidates. Something about someone from the outside though, it drew her in.

She started making late night trips out towards the steppe, cautious as she stepped over Elysium borders but still all confident as was in her nature. A few times her family ravens had caught wind of her though they either hadn't warned her parents or her parents may have decided it was time to let her explore this way. Neither was really a problem for her. She still stuck close to the area of the pillared plains closest to Elysium in case anything turned south but each night she became more relaxed. Even while she was expecting that boy to show, she was honestly just thrilled to make her way out here under the impression that she wasn't allowed to. It did make it exciting at least, even if she was on her own.


Fiametta is an !M rated! character for highly Sexual themes. Please Discord me if you have concerns and please read at your own risk.