
The Agony And The Ecstasy

Birthing Thread!


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-18-2022, 07:13 PM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2022, 04:20 PM by Fern. Edited 1 time in total.)

The contractions have begun and Rudyard is quick to bolt upright, moving to howl for his sister before limping swiftly to collect the prepared herbs that Gwyn had left for them. Fern cannot help but chuckle at how nervous he is and she is hasty to take the offered herbs before catching his cheek with a paw and pulling him down for gentle kiss. The presence of Gwynevere does not go unnoticed by the gray woman and, as she finishes the soft kiss, she says to both of them, “I’m fine.” Eyes flick over to where the healer is and she gives her a small, almost imperceptible shake of head as she thinks, ‘he’s more nervous than I am!’

The paw she had been holding his cheek with drops as her abdominal muscles roll, causing Fern to pant in pain and breathe through the worst of the contraction. Once it finishes, she says, “Okay, so those hurt but I can handle it.” A smile is offered to the wolves around her before another contraction rips her attention away from them as the pups inside work to get out. She listens to Gwyn’s instructions and Rudy lays beside her so that she can lean into him and she begins to push in time with the contractions and stops to breathe as they pass. It does not take long for the first of the gray couple’s pups to enter the world.

A mighty squeal fills the chamber as Gwynevere presents an earthen girl to them and tears immediately spring to Fern’s eyes. It is guided to her belly and a paw reaches down to tenderly touch the pup as she whispers softly, “You are perfect.” Another, stronger contraction rips her attention from the pup that reminds her so much of her mother and Fern concentrates on what Gwyn is telling her. The second pup soon appears, another mighty squeal filling the air and a grin pulls at the gray woman’s lips. Panting from the exhausting process, she casts her blue eyes to the dark hued girl as she placed against her belly.

With a soft chuckle she gently rubs a paw across the girl’s back and says, “Welcome home little one.” But Fern’s work is done as another pup seeks to make their grand entrance into the world. Another girl is soon to appear and she squeals her displeasure at the world as a hodgepodge earthen and gray girl is pressed into Fern’s belly. The tired woman smiles warmly at the pup and whisper, “Hello there.”

The strongest contraction yet pulls a grunt from the gray woman as she slumps to the side, taking comfort from her mate as she is thoroughly and utterly exhausted. Still, she focuses on bringing another pup into the world but this one is not as easy as the others. Panting against the rolling waves of pain, the gray woman remains calm as she knows Rudy will be doing enough worrying for them both. Ears perk up as she listens to Gwyn guide her on.

OOC: Birth order is Meadow II, Elowen, Caladia, and (when he isn’t being stubborn) Kipling!

"Fern Carpathius"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.