
begin again


10-16-2013, 07:02 PM

The elder brute offered a brief, low bow to the alpha, then rose but kept his head and tail lower than those of the young male who stood before him. He was no stranger to the etiquette when standing before a superior, being a former alpha himself. A small smile crossed his maw as he spoke his reply. Good afternoon, Taurig. My name is Seraphim, I am Devya's father.

It was difficult to know what to expect as the male's response to his wishes, and he was unsure whether he should just come right out and ask or wait slightly longer. Some leaders were hesitant to have their subjects speak too freely, yet Seraphim wasn't one to hide his intentions when it came to matters of this sort. He only hoped the boy would appreciate his direct approach.

I called to you hoping to speak with you about my position here in Tortuga, he began, his maintaining a respectful tone and posture. Before your claiming, I had taken up the position as Newt's Beta, and before coming to these lands I was to serve as my pack's Alpha. I do not seek any position in particular, but I wish for something that will utilize my skills in helping to bring this pack back to its former glory. He paused, giving the male a chance to consider is words. Of course, this is only if you have such a position as you are willing and able to grant me, my Re.

talk, think