
Imp Klein Readoption

Recluse kid up for readoption!



ContributorPride - NonbinaryPride - PansexualEaster Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
11-20-2022, 05:46 PM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2022, 01:51 PM by wicked. Edited 3 times in total.)
Complete <3 I may continue to add to it until apps close though :P
OOC Name: wicked

Alignment: chaotic evil - if you were to look at an expanded alignment chart, he'd probably be a more disorderly evil or chaotic impure. The chaos and the evil are relatively independent of each other... until they're not.
Apperance: first choice, second choice
(writing this for the first one, build description will stay the same regardless of design though)
Imp is his mother's son. A wraith of a boy, it will be hard to keep weight on him as he grows. He looks delicate, from a distance, all steep angles and hard edges. His features are fairly feminine, and his eyes are maybe a bit large for his face. This works in his favor, especially for the times when Imp needs to manufacture innocence. Beneath the surface, there's a deceptive amount of muscle on this boy, and he'll develop a fighting style to work in perfect harmony with that.

His coat is a deep, dark grey-blue. Darker markings play throughout the plush fur, especially on his face, topline, legs, and tail. A cheeky bit of white shows through at the tips of his ears, tail, toes, and a little on his face and chest as well. Imp has startling pink eyes-- another gift from his mother. The tips of his fangs peek out from below his dark lips, leaving a bit more when it comes to the impression of danger.

Personality: I uhhhHHH made a moodboard too bc i always do lmao

Impulsive - Imp may as well be short for impulsive. The decisions he makes are often heralded by his gut and his gut alone. Maybe as he ages, that gut instinct will improve, but for now... well, for now those choices are going to be questionable. Imp is most comfortable with his back against the wall. He doesn't really mind being driven to action by necessity. He's always game to do something reckless, something dangerous, and something absolutely brilliant. Act on impulse, trust your gut, and be absolutely brilliant.
Eccentric - Eccentric is a pretty word for weird. Imp is a boy with big ideas, planned or not. Though he's weird, he's also charming enough to make that weird nature endearing. A bit of a mad hatter streak runs through Imp, alive and well. At heart, he's an odd man that enjoys pretty things.
Manipulative - Imp is absolutely shameless about the way he tries to get what he wants. He's extremely observant, and will use all of that information against a given target in an effort to get what he wants. This boy is also an incredibly good liar, something he'll pride himself on as he gets older. Lie, cheat, steal, all of it-- all in the name of getting what he wants. Manipulative and sneaky, and incredibly efficient about both of those things.
Anxious - Much like his mother, Imp is reclusive by nature. Open spaces and crowds both make him feel a bit uncomfortable, a bit nervous. He prefers to spirit himself away and grant a select few with his company, as a general rule. Still, he will hunger near-endlessly for the attention and affections of those selected to be in his company. Also, following the tumultuous events of his early seasons, Imp will be the first to seek safety and surround himself with creature comforts in life. Maybe it's his way of keeping himself safe. Imp is a boy with attachment-related anxiety, and attachment issues in general. He'll burn himself holding on too tight to things that don't necessarily want to be held, and the cycle will continue.
Skills: Fighting & intellect
Plans: Local man ruins everything, has little remorse, refuses to look back. Man is a self-sabotaging mess, who many inadvertently sabotage everyone around him as well. A bane to everything he touches, whether he means to be or not-- I do foresee him also intentionally sabotaging things, sometimes: maybe for his own good, maybe for the greater good... well... subjective good.