
CRUNCH, Go The Leaves

Viscera Fighting Seasonal



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Hunter (105)

4 Years
11-20-2022, 11:59 PM
The forest that the earthen girl finds herself in is… spooky. A thick fog rolls through the land, obscuring the ground and dulling the light that filters through the thick canopy. Emerald eyes roam over the old trees, observing the way ivy clings to the trunks and noting the moss that grows in thick green patches in between the weaving vines. Terra wanders through the eerie place, eyes wide with fright as the slightest sound causes her jump.

She had gone out to hunt and followed her prey further away from Lotus than she would have liked. The prey had escaped and, on the trek back to where the pair laid their heads to sleep, the earthen wolf had decided to take a shortcut… big mistake. Fear wells up in her chest as she tentatively makes her way onward, croaking frogs and strange bird noises causing her skin to crawl as she goes. Cautiously, Terra moves through the strange, scary land, doubting her choice of route with every step she takes.

Suddenly, without warning, a loud ‘CRUNCH’ sounds from underneath her paws and the nervous girl lets out a startled yelp. Legs whirl as Terra back peddles away, huge, wide eyes searching for the source of the sound. Chest heaves as she sucks in breath quickly, mind switching into fight or flight mode as her eyes land on… leaves? Confused, the earthen wolf looks around, glancing up at the trees and seeing the different, fiery colors that have replaced the normal vibrant greens.

Eyebrows furrow as she takes a small step forward, sniffing at the leaves that litter the ground. Having spent most of her life in a cave in a grass land, the girl has never seen what fall weather does to trees. Eyes narrow as Terra sticks a paw out, poking at the unsuspecting things, trying to recreate the sound. However, the gently pokes do nothing and she huffs, as she works to remember what she had done to get that crunchy noise. Oh wait, she was walking when it happened!

A brilliant idea forms in her head and Terra lowers her body, winding up her muscles, in preparation. With a mighty shout of, “AHHHHHHH”, the earthen girl leaps into the air and crashes down on the multicolored leaves. Where her paws strike, crunching sounds appear and she squeals with delight. Like a puppy exploring something new, the girl begins to stomp around, laughing as she fills the area with the crispy leaves crunching.

WC: 416
Total WC: 416 / 1500

"Terra Qilaq"

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