clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere
cleaning thread w/ Bramble
11-21-2022, 06:11 AM
It was no secret that Bramble was growing more and more interested in fighting lately. Any chance she had that wasn't spent bothering someone or exploring the castle, she was trying to sneak into the gardens to practice her skills. This time though, the gardens didn't feel good enough. She wanted to be like her dad and be able to use a sword! How else would she end up as skilled as he if she didn't start now? Knowing that the armory was off limits, Bramble quietly made her way to the dojo. At least the padded room with only wooden swords would be safe enough for her to practice. Right?
As she approached, she noticed the door was already open. Peeking her head inside, she smiled as she noticed Avantika doing something to the mats. Her tail wagged excitedly as she bounded over to her aunt. "Tika!" Bramble exclaimed as she fought to keep herself upright on the slippery mats. "Whoa, almost fell," her eyes widened as she let out a laugh. Finally reaching Tika, she looked up at the larger woman with a wagging tail and wiggling body. "Can I help?" She asked as her smile widened, hoping she could assist in whatever it was she was doing.
bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.