
careful now



Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Navigator (70)

4 Years
11-21-2022, 08:53 AM (This post was last modified: 11-21-2022, 08:53 AM by Aoede. Edited 1 time in total.)
The girl had become directionless, her family was scattered to the wind as her father and grandfather faded into obscurity. Her siblings flitting to and fro, no one part of a cohesive group anymore. She still adored Kore and Kal, they were her true family and she knew she could always count on them. However, they didn’t need to be around each other every day anymore. Ao let her paws carry her where they wished, and that wasn’t always beside her brothers. She was as much their sister as she was her own wolf, and as they grew older she was discovering that part of herself.

So her golden gilded paws carried her northward, a place she had no experience with. The further she traveled the colder it became, and she was ever more thankful for her luxurious coat. There wasn’t much in the way of a breeze, something else to be thankful for as delicate paws stepped out onto… ice. Surprise caught her as her brilliant golden eyes scanned the horizon, certain she was about to step into a forest. That wasn’t quite right. All around her was a lake, frozen over the tops of tall evergreen trees. This was no place for an easy stroll. Her instincts were screaming to tread carefully here, so the twinkling girl would do just that.

She ventured out onto the frozen lake, her senses all alight, revealing to her that she was not alone out here. Surprise crossed her features as her gaze fell on the small fire marked wolf. There weren’t many who could boast being smaller than her own stature, but this one was easy. "Hello, stranger.” She offered softly as she approached from behind him, taking in the massive submerged pine before him. "You wouldn’t happen to know much about this place, would you?”

Usually Ao wasn’t much of a socialite, but she had enjoyed making Sitri stutter not so long ago. Perhaps this boy would be similar.

"Aoede Regni"

Submerged Woods