
i cant stop



10-16-2013, 07:21 PM
Isardis Armada
The King would feel slightly more at ease within the company of the charger after his confirmed identity, of which he had answered before Abelinda had the chance. However his chest would broaden in a way the albino often presented to males, a proud smirk rising upon cherry lips as he would stretch to his full, intimidating height. Lightly he would sway, lungs filling with oxygen as his breast would be pushed outwards even more so, lengthy tassels of a coral-stained tail rising into a mild suggestion of dominance. He always had felt a sense of rivalry towards his brothers, something that never had showed it?s face to his female siblings. Despite the fact that ?Kristoffer? was but an immature pup when Isardis left their homelands, seeing the grown man before him now was enough to initiate a mild sense of threat.

However an extra powerful male had never gone astray, and Isardis knew full well the blood of his siblings was one incomparable to the rest of the nation. Abelinda would lean to him, stimulating him to do the same, the bond the siblings shared slowly growing with each moment within one another?s presence. The tension she exuded towards this male was easily picked up on, and although Isardis didn?t understand why, it would remain imminent within the folds of his mind during their reunion. The russet and blue man spoke again, but this time it was one of disrespect; and although The King managed a sour chuckle, lips twitching lightly with mild irritancy, it would become evident Kristoffer only made his case worse for himself.

A colossal paw would be sent forwards, ?I?ll have you know ?brother?, that unless I direct you otherwise my women are very much my women, so let?s not get too ahead of ourselves yes?? melodious tones were firm, his stance easing upon the conclusion of the sentence. ?Let?s start again now that we are clear; it is wise of you to seek out my kingdom, and your aide will be accepted and appreciated for as long as you realise your place. Until you prove yourself, I have no desire to let you gallivant about my Kingdom with a swollen skull; we may share blood but we do not share royalty,? he would pause, reclining back a step to again stand by Abelinda, ?Now tell me, did you follow your virginity here or do you actually plan on pulling your weight, boy?? Expression would twitch, lips itching with a rising folly of bemusement.

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia