
Do you believe in a higher power?

Bellaorche Pups



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
11-22-2022, 05:07 PM

Her children came, all but little Nessie but if Bellamy had to guess her daughter was off with her mate, doing their own lesson. That wasn’t such a big deal, really. Her other kids were here, even Lucette. Her oldest was growing into a beautiful young woman and soon Bellamy wouldn’t be surprised if Bae-Syl showed back up again and well… Young love tended to lead to such things. Bellamy wouldn’t scold her daughter for it if it happened. Even with Bae-Syl fleeting, having not yet come to the pack’s borders, she kept a place for him. How could she not when Lucy spoke about the young male so certainly? He would come back in his own time.

The woman’s green gaze flicked over each pup in her youngest litter, giving them all a gentle grin. “My little ones,” Bellamy addressed them all at once. “I thank you for coming, and being punctual. There is a very, very important lesson we are going to learn today, and something we will brush up on later, during the Yuletide.” Bellamy relaxed and turned her gaze skyward.

“Have you ever thought about where we have come from, and why we are as we are?” She asked the children, wondering if they might have a suggestion or thought on the matter. “Everything in this great world was created by the first ones, the Allfather and Allmother, the God and Goddess.” Bellamy turned her attention to her little ones. “...and so, this lesson starts with them.

You see, children, many wolves where your father and I are from believe the story of the God and Goddess as our creation, a mated pair of wolves that created the world and the creatures that inhabit it. This religion, as it is called, is known as Foi, and it became my namesake when my family name was lost to me. If will be your choice if you choose to become of Foi, and if you truly believe.

Now, back to the God and Goddess. First, there is Celeste, the Allmother. She is said to be a lithe figure, slender, elegant, and feminine, and most noticeably depicted as an albino figure. There are some who claim her to be cream and tan, but all depictions of the woman have her bearing the lightest, gentlest of blue eyes. A small creature, much like your father, with a set of great, wide, feather wings. Celeste smiles down upon the wolves, her powers over resurrection, purity, and even blessings.”
Bellamy drew in a breath.

“Your father, though he lacks flight, has gained wings from the Allmother herself. Hers is the blessing that smiles upon him, upon all of you, for your health, and well-being. Even those of you who lack mutations still feel her light, as she keeps you young, and innocent. She has blessed your father and me with not one, but two litters, and the second a great litter of which to carry on our family. We could not be more thankful.” Bellay dipped her head.

“Her mate, Nox, the Allfather… He is said to be a much more foreboding and intimidating individual. He is a wolf who stands taller than even the tallest dire wolf, his fur the color of the starless night and his eyes pupilless, holding a ghostly white glow. He is judgment, presiding over destruction, chaos, and curses.” Bellamy let this information sink in. “You see, my children, with each element there is in the world, there is generally an element to balance it. While Celeste represents light, her mate represents darkness. This is why, in both the pairs of their children and in those who follow Foi, twins, or sets of two, are so very important. Without one element in the world to balance the other, the world would be in a constant state of chaos. You need both for life to work in harmony.

It is important to remember this in your training as well. There will be times that the things as easy, make sense, and click to your knowledge without fail. But there will be other times that you will struggle, and that is okay! The struggle will make you stronger, so long as you don’t give in to it.”
Bellamy tilted her head to the side. “There is… a lot of information, about the children of the Gods, known as the Divinities, and those who fall alongside them, the Majofics of Majofionism. For now, however, I want you to process the information I told you and, if you have any questions about the Allmother and Allfather, to ask them now before we move on.”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.