
Coming Home

Manea, Alastor maybe?



Novice Fighter (25)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

4 Years
Extra large
11-22-2022, 06:46 PM
Nirvana’s gaze swept the landscape of the lake beyond where she waited. The day was overcast, but for Nirvana the day had never shown brighter. This was the day she had been waiting for, coming back to Elysium and slipping into the ranks of her family. Despite her coming back to Elysium, however, there was much to be done. Work that she would need to focus on, especially when it came to bettering herself. She had been raised by her aunt, and she would be damned if she became a blemish on their family name. She was raised in greatness, and proud of the lineage she held. Weakness would not be allowed.

The albino dame was not left waiting long. Her deep red hues caught sight of her purple-furred aunt hurying across Elysium lands towards her, and Nirvana allowed a warm grin to grace her lips as she watched her aunt draw close. Her aunt was exactly what she would expect of a matriarch, a strong womanly figure with a side of beauty and grace. Nirvana could not help herself, allowing herself to be pulled into Manea’s embrace and returning it in kind. “Aunt Manea.” She greeted warmly, feeling happiness radiating within her chest.

“Far too long. I should have stayed in Elysium the last time I was here, but I’m afraid I didn’t feel ready.” Her gaze became apologetic. “I wanted to bring the best of myself to Elysium, and I felt the only way I could do that was to stay on my own a bit longer.” Nirvana’s gaze held a light to them. “I am sure there is more for me to learn, but, I am ready, ready to tackle everything that I need to, and continue to grow here, with my family. If you’ll have me that is.” Not that there was any reason for her aunt to deny her. There was more to talk about and catch up on as well, though Nirvana knew everything would come in due time.