
Just be sure to wear your best, we will surely make the covers



11-22-2022, 07:48 PM

Ahh, a barn eh? Sanctus was familiar with the type of structure, even if he hadn’t yet seen the one that was in Avalon’s lands. The man gave a thoughtful nod, listening to Corbie explain the goings on. The barn was the main shelter for their livestock right now while they worked on fencing. Apparently, another pack had something of the sort when they lived here, but with the pack gone the fences and whatnot had suffered, and he wasn’t surprised to hear that many of the projects had needed work to start from scratch. Well, that gave him somewhere to start. He could also picture the open-sided shelters that Corbie spoke about for the pastures. That would give the herds somewhere to rest when the weather was poor.

“Seems we’ve got some work cut out fer us. Nothin’ too bad, though. I’ll git to tinkerin’ on some fence stuff and the like once I’ve settled for a spell.” There would also be the matter of meeting his packmates, few as their number might be. That just gave little excuse not to get to know them all. Sans doubted he’d rest long. He was eager to get to work on the projects Corbie mentioned, and maybe he’d be able to wrangle up some help as well. No doubt the alpha would have her own things to tend to.

“If’n ya will excuse me fer a moment, miss Corbie, I’mma go find me a place to lay my head, and then see where I kin gets started.” He tipped his head to the alpha, welcoming her to walk with him while they made their way deeper into the range. Either way, Sans was grateful to have a home now, and with minimal headache, thankfully.

"Talk," 'Think.'