
The sort of folk 'round here



11-22-2022, 07:56 PM

As Sans gaze wandered, it pulled to the barn. The structure was, for the most part, still intact. His green gaze focused on it for a long moment, knowing that the sheep were better off there than penned up in a smaller enclosure while they worked on their pastures. They could be moved later though. For now, he thought it best to go see the barn itself. See if any of the lower levels needed some reinforcement and the like. Sanctus rose, and with one last glance toward the grazing animals, he started for the barn, not sure of what he was expecting to see, but certainly not what he came across.

The first thing he noticed as he drew close was the smell of smoke and the flicker of fire. He hurried around the parted door to find what he assumed was a packmate based on their smell and their companion by his side. Sanctus came in slower now, easing the hackles that had started to raise in alarm of a loose blaze. His green eyes flicked to the male, noticing that he seemed to be nursing an injury. “‘llo.” Sans spoke in his gruff tone.

“‘bout had me scared ta death, what with that fire of yers. I take it yer one of Avalon’s own?” Sanctus asked, hoping for confirmation as he stopped a respectable distance away. He would not approach further unless the stranger invited him to do so.

"Talk," 'Think.'