
The Blackened Water's Call



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
11-22-2022, 08:29 PM

Aresenn checked the cylinders out, with Rivin waiting to see what he discovered, but it didn’t seem to be anything fun. The insides of them were faintly smokey, though that gave her an idea. “Maybe they used the fires to get it to move across the ocean? Something would have had to make it move, anyway.” Rivin drew closer, taking a sniff, but she couldn’t even notice the smokey smell her brother noticed. Hmm, maybe if she scratched inside as he had? Nah, that wasn’t going to get them anywhere. It wasn’t like they were going to make the fires burn again.

Trailing her way along the warped dock she came to a door. It was loose, swaying in the slight breeze. Rivin pressed against it with a paw and grinned as it swung open. “Hey Aresenn, it opens up, see?” She didn’t wait to start making her way down into the bowels of the ship, ignoring various rooms as she went deeper and deeper into the darkness, until, at last, she decided to push a set of doors open.

What she found were the remnants of the ship's kitchen. It was dark and dusty, but she could see metal bowls and the like scattered around. She stepped inside curiously, noticing how some of the bowls and pots had fallen on the floor. They were stirring sticks too, spoons, and she picked one up in her mouth before swinging it around. Well, it was kind of lightweight for a weapon… but maybe if she thwacked someone hard enough with it then it’d hurt? She turned, glancing over her shoulder to see if Aresenn had followed her or if he was checking out one of the cabins within the ship.

"Talk," 'Think.'