
Let's hit something




Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
11-22-2022, 09:14 PM

The old woman before her apologized. She didn’t have any clue where they were either, but at least she wasn’t playing at it like they might be found or show up again. Rivin frowned deeply, listening to her say that it wasn’t good to bottle up her anger or pretend that she wasn’t angry was stupid. Rivin didn’t know much about handling her anger yet, but the woman offered something. Hunting. As the gull screeched the red-streaked girl shifted her gaze to the bird. It was helpless, laying there on the sand broken. Her green eyes narrowed at the sight of it. She didn’t know why, but seeing it like that made her madder. She hadn’t ever killed something before, only ate what her father brought back, but at Pyralis’ invite, the girl dove for the bird.

It was a good thing that the old pirate had said she didn’t need to be dainty and precise, because goodness knew Rivin wasn’t. She tore at the screeching gull as it tried to flap and flop in the sand, ripping into its wings, and sending blood and feathers flying everywhere. She avoided the main body at first, finding gruesome satisfaction in its screeching as it grew more distressed. As the bird began to slow she focused on its head now. It was small and delicate. A quick CRUNCH ended the gull’s struggles, and the girl, her white muzzle stained with red, backed off, panting.

She looked down at the mess she had made of the gull. It was shredded, torn to bits… but she felt a bit better. She looked up at Pyr, licking the blood from her lips. “That helped.” The pup confessed. “How did you know it would? Did one of your folks leave you behind, too?” She was curious about the old pirate now, her green gaze fixed on Pyralis curiously.

"Talk," 'Think.'