
Maybe I'm just selling a lie, a villain in disguise



11-23-2022, 04:22 PM
After the meeting with Kotori, and the fight with that damned big cat, Alaois had decided that it might be better to do a little wandering. He had a lot to think about, after all, what with the alpha’s offer, his decision on that, and Calida. Ala had lingered long enough to turn the black pelt of the puma into a cape for himself, deciding that if other wolves might use accessories than he may as well do the same. Now all he needed was a weapon to go along with it. For now, however, the man began to trail into the south and towards the west almost certain that his end destination, when he was through with his musings, would be back to Valta.

Alaois had made it into the Soulless Forest, a place he had visited once prior, and he let his thoughtful blue-green gaze shift over the trees and thick vegetation that littered the earth. As if that wasn’t enough, though he could bartely see it for the fog rolling in, he could hear the crunching of leaves beneath his paws as he stepped. Autumn was truly in full swing here in Boreass. He flicked his ears forward thoughtfully, jaws parted ever so slightly as he took in the scents of the area.

For the moment it seemed that the man was alone. His tail gave a thoughtful swish back and forth behind him with each step he took. He didn’t mind the solitude, at least for the moment. His mind instead turned towards the recent events that he’d gone through. Kotori seemed like a strong male, a man who would make good use of his strength. Still, he couldn’t fathom why Calida had seemed to up and disappear. He shook his head, a grunt leaving his lips. Her decision wasn’t any of his business, he supposed. It would have been nice to have been made knowledgeable of this but…

Ah well.

Alaois focused on the crisp crunch of the leaves beneath his paws as he padded forward. For now all that mattered was that he was here in the Soulless Forest, making his way through the landscape alone. He could focus on where his future was going when he returned back to Valta.

Word Count: 377 Words