
Replacing what was given away




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
11-23-2022, 10:35 PM

Avacyn made paths back and forth around her studio and work shop, moving things into various piles and baskets that were spaced out across the middle of the floor. When she and Saracyn had decided it was time for them to move into their own space on the island, she hadn't anticipated that the move would be such a task, but apparently her collecting and crafting had produced far more things and materials than she had anticipated. When they were all organized into their various shelves and work benches it didn't seem like that much, but now that she was gathering it up to carry over to their new cave it had turned into a project in of itself. It had taken her most of the day to clear all of the surfaces in the room and now she was working on getting everything sorted into similar items so when she went to unpack it all it wouldn't be so difficult.

She gave a satisfied sigh as she stepped back a bit and looked at her progress. There were a few finished pieces of armor and decorative items that she wanted to see about giving away or finding a new home for in some capacity that were laid off to the side, but otherwise the other materials and half-finished projects were in baskets or bundles of some sort and ready to be carried. She stepped out of her workshop so that she could see out the main entrance of the den, looking out over the landscape of the mountainous island and saw that the sun was past its highest point in the sky and was quickly beginning to work its way toward the horizon. A little frown crossed her lips as she realized just how long she had been working and how long Saracyn had been gone. He had mentioned to her that he was going to take a trip to one of the strange alters that had popped up like the one that they had visited in the weeks prior, but she didn't think it was that far away from Elysium's lands. She hummed to herself and gave a small shrug before she turned and went back to her work, moving toward her den to begin rolling up some of the furs that made up her large bed.

"Avacyn Mendacium"