
Intermission from the world


07-03-2014, 11:24 AM

Pandora's eyes had closed when she felt the sun hitting all the right parts of her body. The light pressed against her closed lids, daring to attempt to try and make her opts open. She rolled to the other side, back towards the sunlight, and comfortably rested her head on the grass. Lantern yellow eyes brightly stared at her behind her closed lids, and she couldn't be happier in that moment.
A change in the atmosphere happened as soon as her happiness reached its peek. The cobalt babe was no longer alone, but instead had a familiar presence abruptly appear. The yellow eyes disappeared and she heard the voice of a memory made a couple of seasons ago. There was no warmth, no indication of happiness to be there, and Pandora's own positive vibes melted away. Her golden-tipped lids opened and she rolled back to her left side to see the familiar form of Talvi. Well, this was a surprise indeed.
A sigh escaped Pandora's lips and she pushed herself onto her paws. Golden-dipped front feet stretched out, followed by her front legs. She shook her fur free of any debris and watched Talvi with a burning, intense gaze. "Hello, sister," she replied, tones rich with her Romanian accent. "No need to be upset that we crossed paths again..." The facts had been given to the richer version of Taurig and now that she knew her father's past, she was relieved that he wasn't around.
