
Maybe I'm just selling a lie, a villain in disguise




2 Years
11-25-2022, 02:27 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2022, 02:32 PM by Thyri. Edited 1 time in total.)

Thick humid air seemed to wrap around the babe as she moved through the fog. Crunch, crunch, crunch... The fallen, dead, leaves caved in beneath her quick pad falls. The noise tickled her inner ear in a rather pleasing way and the Trygg gal began to purposefully go out of her way to step on them. The big leaves were the best as they produced the loudest crunch of them all. A small smile stained her inky lips as she trotted along, destroying each large leaf she could manage.

After pouncing on a good pile of leaves she became very aware of another Wolf in her vicinity due to a scent making it's way to her nose. Eyes squinted as they scanned the area until they found the source. Thyri took in the sight of a male painted in mostly charcoal hues but with vibrant blue-green accents. She raised a brow as she witnessed a small shake of his head and a grunt. It seemed like this stranger was going through some sort of internal battle. But, what amused her was the crunching of leaves beneath his paws. It seemed like he enjoyed it just as she had.

With little hesitation Thyri drew closer to the large male. A small grin stained her lips as she moved through the trees. Once she was closer accented vocals filled the air, "Seems like somethings on your mind." She eyed him for a moment before cocking her head to the side. "How about a distraction?" With an anticipatory wag of her tail she looked around for ideas before suddenly perking up. "A spar in the leaves sounds hilarious to me. Let's see falls on their ass first?" Thyri was a bold creature and totally understood the male may not want to brawl with a stranger. But, he looked like he needed a pick me up and she wanted to have some fun.

wc: 696