
Little Songbird




Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
11-25-2022, 02:51 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2022, 01:25 AM by Deimos. Edited 1 time in total.)

A couple of weeks had passed since the transgression he had against Ikigai and the subsequent altercation he had with Alastor as a result—long enough apparently for Ikigai to feel that they could remove the bandages from around his head for good and instead just keep the healing scars medicated. He couldn't see the marks himself and had avoided doing so thus far, but he trusted Ikigai's expertise and followed her lead when it came to the care of them. At the very least he knew that the lingering pain had dulled and the area was only ever really tender when she was applying more medication or cleaning them so that had to be a good sign.

For the most part he had kept himself fairly secluded to their den since that fight, not exactly jumping at the opportunity to have others see him with half of his face covered in bandages, leaving Ikigai as his only real company whenever she was here. Of course his sister did have to make at least one appearance the day after everything happened to have her turn ripping him apart for what he had done, but he hadn't fought her on it. He had laid there and taken the less physical lashing he had received from Manea. At this point he knew very firmly that he was in the wrong here and he had no real defense for himself so all he could really do was take his punishments and start planning for how he would atone for his sins.

After Ikigai pulled the bandages free for the last time he tentatively opened his eye, blinking a few times as he readjusted to the full range of vision and the light filtering into the den. He was certainly relieved that Alastor hadn't managed to take his eye—though he had no doubt that the Commander had wished to. He held still, laying on their bed while Ikigai did her examinations and began to do her treatments and in the mean time his gaze wandered the space, testing his eye that had been covered. His aqua gaze landed on some of their various belongings and supplies that were organized on one side of the cave and he looked curiously to the instruments that Ikigai had brought with her from Ashen.

His attention turned back to Ikigai, peering at her face while she prepared some sort of medicine or the like. It had occurred to him more than once in these weeks that he had been left with nothing but his own thoughts in their den that he knew so little about what Ikigai enjoyed or desired. She always seemed so poised and dutiful that it made him wonder what it was she found enjoyment in. However, he had also come to understand that he hadn't exactly done his part in trying to find out either. "I haven't gotten to see any of those instruments in action yet," he mused with a small smile. "Would you want to play a little something when you're done with this?"

"Deimos Medacium"