
Snake in the Grass

solo herb collection - white snakeroot



Master Intellectual (257)

Expert Healer (220)

An icon representing the specialty Merchant Merchant

3 Years
Dragon Mod
11-25-2022, 07:20 PM

Mom had taken her out today to further explore the edges of the territory. Though almost as soon as they got there, Medusa told her to have fun while she went off to go check out something else. That was fine, Rue was perfectly capable of wandering on her own, right? The only thing Medusa told her not to do was go past a certain point and Rue wasn't really inclined to listen...after all, she was on her own with nobody to watch her, and there were some interesting things just past the spot she was told not to go past. The young pup got up and began to sniff around, checking out the newer surroundings as she went step by step, closer to where she wasn't supposed to pass. She paused, glancing nonchalantly towards the other side, but she wasn't sure she wanted to risk it. Her mom was a wildcard, she didn't know if she'd get in trouble if she did go past this point or not...oh well, she supposed she'd walk along and see what else there was. Acquaint herself with the new territory and whatnot. She trudged along for several yards, and then something caught her eye. A cluster of tiny white flowers grew just on the other side of where Medusa told her not to go, but maybe it'd be fine if she collected a few of those and brought them back to mom, right? She didn't know what the flowers were called, but maybe mom would know.

She headed straight over, making a beeline to the flowers before she could get caught before she got to them. Glancing around, nobody seemed to be in the immediate vicinity to tell her to frick off, so with a wagging tail, she set to investigate the flowers. They were much taller than she was, standing probably close to three feet tall with tiny white clusters of flowers at the tops. She didn't know what they were, but they seemed delicate. She wanted to take some back to the den and maybe experiment with them to see if they were good flowers, or the bad kind. What had mom said? Some plants could make you really, really sick. Or even kill you? While Rue wasn't set on dying, she was still curious about the effects of plants that could make you sick. Who knows, maybe if her siblings pissed her off too much she'd slip them some of this and watch them puke their guts out. She wouldn't try to kill them or anything, just prank them. (Albeit, in a nasty way if they got on her nerves!) By her logic, it would be well deserved, wouldn't it? Of course, she was still too young to understand the seriousness of it, but it was fun to think about at least to know she might have something in her arsenal to make someone regret getting on her nerves.

She didn't want to touch them with her mouth in case she got sick, so she leaned against the taller stalks until they bent from her weight, and from there she began to dig at the stems until they finally broke. Some of the petals on the flowers fell off, but not enough to have made this not worth it. Once she got a fair amount broken down and separated from the grounded part of the plant, she searched about for something to wrap the stems in so she wouldn't have to carry it back in her mouth without getting sick. Assuming, of course, she could get sick by just tasting the stems. She found a large leaf after some time, so she picked it up and headed back toward the plants she had just knocked over. She hastily wrapped the leaf around the stem bunch and then picked it up in her mouth. She wrinkled her nose at the smell, now stronger that it had been cut down and closer to her nose. It smelled gross! So she wondered if this was definitely a bad plant because she assumed the good ones smelled...better? Maybe? She wasn't sure.

Happily trotting back towards the den with her bundle of mystery plants, she couldn't wait to show her family and eventually test them out. Before that though, she needed to figure out if they were going to make her sick if she touched them...she had a bit of sap from the stems on her paws, and she didn't like the sticky feeling. She made a mental note to wash her paws off really good, because hell if she was gonna find out the hard way! Once at the den, she stashed away her bundle far into the back and covered them up with some furs that Medusa had previously brought in, wrapping them up so that nobody could touch them. Not until she was able to test them, but hey, if someone else accidentally "tested" them first, then she'd know a little more about them. Win-win, right?

WC: 834
