
Working together




Master Fighter (265)

Expert Intellectual (150)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-25-2022, 08:15 PM
Albion tried not to stay out too much later after Ava went to go lay down for the night. His brain hadn’t wanted to shut off though, so he hadn’t actually gotten to sleep for a long time. It was both an eternity and too soon when the time came to meet up with his future Queen. Albion yawned as he returned to the lake early the next morning, his massive paws guiding him through the grass to where Avacyn had already been working. Probably even before he’d rolled out of his bed.

The thought made him grin, and the sleep he had managed to settle a lot of the turmoil from the night before. The change in lifestyle was still jarring, and he hated to admit it but he missed Fenmyre. He missed seeing his parents, even if it was still hard to think about Chimera. He stuck close to Ruse and Cerb, at least he had their presence. Even Scylla had been gone for so long. The thought of her made his heart ache more, and he shook himself to clear his thoughts as he padded up to Avacyn.

Her inky gaze lifted to his glass like eyes, greeting him with her sweet voice. Albion felt the corners of his own lips pull back into a soft grin. "Enjoy the rest of our day.” He was taking a few liberties in his assertion, but he felt the same. He’d help her with her work, and then take as many of her moments as she would allow him. He wanted a clearer picture of the future he was heading towards.

"Well, let's get to it then.” He said without hesitation, looking over the supplies. Bracing the walls would be his main objective first. He picked over a few of the bigger logs, choosing one to take to a corner of the guard house.
"Albion Klein"