
networking through punching you in the face



11-26-2022, 10:54 PM

Rhian had taken a defensive stance, and though Nuru had launched her attack with the hopes of not giving her opponent time to ready herself, her opponent thrashed within the hold in hopes of breaking it. Nuru started to slip, her jaws closing on nothing but the air above her with an audible click as she was jarred back and forth. Nuru growled with frustration, the move effective as she started to slide off toward her own right.

She would not have an easy slide away, however, as Rhain reached forth and down to slash at the left central area of her chest. She could feel the elongated fangs slice through her flesh, welling up blood from what would ultimately be a minor scratch. Her opponent could have done more, were this an actual fight, but for now, neither woman seemed to want to leave lasting damage on the other.

Nguruvilu hit the ground, shuffling her weight evenly across her four limbs to steady herself. Her opponent hadn’t gone for a hold, but this time Ruu attempted to snap her jaws toward the fluff of Rhian’s neck. She wanted to attempt another hold, in hopes of controlling her opponent’s head, so the other woman couldn’t attack further with her jaws. She also swept her left foreleg out toward Rhian’s own left foreleg, hoping to yank her own forward and disrupt whatever attack the other dame tried next.

"Talk, 'Think.'

Nguruvilu vs Rhian for Spar
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Companion 1: American Kestrel, Male - Flying
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Advanced Hunter