
There are thoughts in every little stone


10-16-2013, 08:48 PM

Following the woman eagerly, Crucible kept pace with her. Their target was obviously the injured doe in the back of the herd and he easily zeroed in on it. Rivaxorus shot forward. She was vicious in her skills and it caught Crucible off guard. Why she had thought to drag the poor creature down by its hind end and make it suffer more than it already was, he had no idea. She seemed so pleasant when he had just been talking to her. Oh well, he would not miss his cue.

Dashing up to the doe's head, Crucible clamped his jaws down behind her pole. With a sharp twist of his head, she was finished. Snapping the doe's neck would make the kill quick and painless, much less so than what he thought Rivaxorus had in mind, but he would not judge. Crucible was never one to want to cause pain and suffering in anyone. Though he didn't go out of his way to correct pain and suffering either, he would just never be the hand of it. Some would call that hypocrisy, but the boy was never one to care about other's opinions.

Blood coated his teeth where he had punctured the deer's neck to hold her, but that was the the extent of it. Quickly he licked it off his teeth. Sitting back on his haunches he waited patiently for her to begin eating. Crucible knew it was polite to let his elders eat before him, and who knew, maybe she was a higher rank than him too. He cocked his head at her and waited for his time to eat.