
Give me one good reason...

Ignis, maaaybe Saga?



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
11-26-2022, 11:45 PM

Ignis was goading her. Bellamy knew it, but still, a growl bubbled up in her chest. “Sorry to inform you, Ignis, but there was nothing he could have done. You’ve seen how small my mate is - he’s a pacifist, a healer, and I might add scared of bullies who don’t know when to let something go. I don't trust you wouldn't have hurt him, just to get at me.” She tried to reign in her temper. She didn’t want to have a fight in front of Saga once more. Last time Gavroche had been there to keep her distracted. “Not to mention,” Bellamy continued. “He was tending to a den of newborn pups. You stole their sister away, and for what, to get at me?” Bellamy narrowed her eyes, scoffing.

“Your issue is with me, Ignis. Whether or not you want to fight after I take Saga home is on you. But she needs to come home, with her family.” She was insisting on this fact. “You clearly want something, otherwise, you wouldn’t have bothered taking Saga in the first place.” She blew air out through her nose angrily. “...and despite Acere believing you have hope, you still speak ill of him.” The woman gave a cluck of her tongue. “I spoke with his spirit, recently. He took the form of a fox, but it was him.” Bellamy adjusted her stance, taking on a more defensive one. Beside her, Ears and Whiskers kept their gaze on Ignis and Saga respectively.

“He doesn’t hate you for what you’ve done, Ignis.” Bellamy wasn’t sure if things would escalate, but she was trying her best to not fly off the handle. It took a lot to keep talking, even if it was through gritted teeth. “Do you really want to bring innocent children into this? What is your goal? What are you hoping to accomplish by keeping Saga from us? If there is that part of you your uncle believes in, then I’m going to ask again, release Saga to me. If you want to continue this feud some other time, fine, but not here. Not in front of an innocent child.”

As Saga spoke it was Whiskers who addressed the little one, knowing Bellamy was focused on the red wolf. “I don’t know about that, little one. Ignis is not your mother’s friend, and he took you without your mother’s permission. As it seems now, he wants to keep you from us.”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.