
CRUNCH, Go The Leaves

Viscera Fighting Seasonal



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Hunter (105)

4 Years
11-27-2022, 06:03 AM
Terra is so caught up in her enjoyment of the crunchy leaves that she does not notice the silent wraith until he is in the open, crunching along with her. Black painted paws falter as she looks to him, chest heaving from the exertion and laughter of just moments before while her wary emerald gaze quickly takes in the stranger. Well, if he had wanted to attack her, he had plenty of opportunity to do so.

Armed with this knowledge, the normally skittish, uncertain girl decides to be daring and, as he turns in her direction, a huge smile splits her maw. With a jovial, playful voice, Terra calls out, “Hey! These are my leaves! If you want to crunch them, you have…” There is no malice in her voice and no anger to be found, only the joy of a youth deprived of some of life’s amazing moments.

Green eyes quickly sweep the area, trying to figure out the best challenge for claiming the leaves that actually don’t belong to anyone. Looking back to him, Terra’s eyes brighten with excitement as she says, “You’ll have to fight me for them! Okay, okay. But not like, to hurt or make each other bleed kind of fight. How about, the first one to claim a pin gets to crunch all these leaves?”

Terra has never strung so many words together and never so confidently, to anyone… well, other than Lotus. Maybe it is the change of weather or the fact that she actually gets to be outside to enjoy it that makes the earthen girl feel so bold. Whatever the reason, Terra grins at the stranger and dips down into a play bow, tail wagging fast as it arches over her back. Paws tap the ground in anticipation, and she fights the urge to bark at the stranger

Living in a cave for most of her short life has left Terra with some disadvantages. For example; not knowing that leaves change cool colors, or say, how to actually fight. Still, the girl is determined to win and have fun doing it!

WC: 350
Total WC: 983/1500

"Terra Qilaq"

Lotus is allowed in any of Terra's threads, regardless of tag