
a golden cage is still a cage




6 Years
11-27-2022, 10:39 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2022, 01:22 PM by Banshee. Edited 3 times in total.)

Banshee stared into the Ashen territory with a tired gaze. She took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled before looking down to Verity. The fanged woman leaned down to plant a tiny lick on her daughters head. "We made it." Offering a small smile she then allowed her gaze to move back towards the territory. Eyeing the beautiful white trees with dwindling familiarity. This was the pack she had been born into so many years ago. There were both good and bad memories lingering within those trees. But, it wasn't long into her life that she had left and made a new life in Armada. A small pang of sorrow filled her chest at the thought, remembering how caring Sirius had been. Silently the fae hoped he was doing well, wherever he was.

Before making her way to Ashen Banshee stopped by the former Armada lands. She hoped to find the pack and call upon her former adoptive father. But, it was as if they vanished. The territories were unclaimed and the scents were stale. Banshee didn't know if they relocated or disbanded and really had no time to investigate further. Thus, she decided to go to Ashen. Armada and Ashen were once rather strong allies and she figured if Armada did disband that is where she could find Sirius or relatives that would be willing to aid them. She figured Hannibal was still long gone and he was really the only Klein she had an issue with so there wouldn't be any conflicts, that she could think of. Now some time had passed since her last interaction with the Empire so Banshee was still weary of what they had become in that time. But, she hoped for the best. - Banshee tossed her head towards the sky and let forth a howl, calling leadership.


[Image: Banshee-icon.png][Image: Cairn-Icon.png][Image: incubus-icon.png][Image: rhysand-icon.png][Image: thyri-icon.png][Image: Vaella-icon.png][Image: verity-icon.png]