
Maybe I'm just selling a lie, a villain in disguise



11-28-2022, 12:46 AM

Focusing on the leaves started as a distraction, each step crunching up bits of dried leaf, breaking their natural forms, but for Alaois it was not enough. He was stuck in his head, the thoughts buzzing in his head with each step. He was desperately trying to focus on the sound, however, not wanting to let himself get so far as to think treasonous thoughts. Calida would return, he told himself firmly. There would be none of that doubt. He just had to keep himself distracted in the meanwhile and wait faithfully for her return. She would not abandon the so-called soldier, no, not after his declaration of loyalty.

He looked up just in time to see a lovely monochrome fae coming closer to him. She wore a grin while his look was more thoughtful, brow furrowed as she spoke. Yes, something was on his mind. Had he been so easy to read? Perhaps Sin had been right when he made that comment about them when they were kids. He let out a chuckle, dipping his head. He could have been mad, could have been frustrated in the fact that this woman seemed to easily read him, but instead, the dark gentleman was amused. She offered a distraction as well, a spar in the leaves. He had certainly been making enough noise in them, and sharpening his skills wasn’t such a bad idea.

“Sounds as though you know how to have a good time, miss.” His tenor vocals were smooth, that hint of amusement betrayed in his tone. “Very well, let's see who kisses the ground first. But what sort of gentleman would I be to not at least offer the good lady the option to take the first move? If she will take it, of course.” Alaois’ finished, slipping into a defensive stance. He would leave the woman to decide if she wanted to move first, or if she wanted him to do so. Either way, it mattered not to him.


Word Count: 1,028 Words

"Speech," 'Thought.'