
she always tries, truth or lie



4 Years
Extra large
10-16-2013, 09:27 PM

There would be several moments as silence as the mammoth would watch the nymph sitting before him. Her delicate salmon tongue would lash out again and again as it would swipe over her darkly stained crimson jaws, look to clean the evidence of her meal from her features. It wasn't proper for such a fine young woman to be dirty with blood. Not that Conan cared; more of the people in his tribe had almost always been covered in blood, himself included, so being dirty with blood was nothing strange to the barbarian. I did, thank you for asking. However I would feel much better if you would eat also, surely you are hungry? She would raise a dainty paw to about his eye level, apparently taking the limb under consideration of whether it should be cleansed or not. The titan took the moment to really look at Paradise, rubies dancing over her silhouette. With her paw poised in such a manner and her skull tilted at that angel, she looked downright ethereal. And that was saying a lot, coming from such a stoic man.

I am, but not terribly so. But... He would trail off, ruby gaze never moving away from hers. I can tell you probably won't be at ease until I do and since you have been so kind enough to entertain a conversation with me, I shall grant your request. And with that the behemoth would raise himself back onto all fours, giving his coat a loose shake before slowly padding towards the carcass, making his way around to the spine. Jaws would unhinge slowly, daggers slipping past the delicate skin as he began to rip away at the pelt to get to the delicate meat beneath.

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