
Show Me The Future



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-16-2013, 09:36 PM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2013, 09:36 PM by Epiphron.)

"I would ask to meet them, but I expect they will be coming here with the rest of the children if need be?" Epiphron would care for them, and ensure they met her own children and become acquainted with one another. Who knew -- maybe they'd even make some friends here. "It doesn't matter to me what they are or are not. They are family and will be treated as such." Even if they were cold and detached like Eos, forever estranged from the rest of the family -- that would not stop her from trying to befriend them.

Maverick appeared as expected, greeting Maverick in a manner she was unaccustomed to seeing him speak in. It was not secret that her brother and husband weren't the biggest fans of one another, but they would simply have to deal with it. Quietly she pressed her side against his own. One of the hardest things for her to do would be to choose between her husband her her family, and it was a decision she desperately hoped she would never be forced to make.

Syrinx then confirmed what she already knew. Of course he would be pushing for war. It was uncalled for to threaten an Adravendi and expect nothing in return. And yet his request surprised her. He wanted some of their warriors to fight for them. Of course, Seracia had gained a lot by her coming here ... at least in Syrinx's eyes. Perhaps he felt they owed Valhalla something? Hesitantly she turned to watch Maverick, unsure of his own reaction.

Was this what their relationship had been boiled down to, she and Syrinx -- meeting merely to ask for favors and exchange political news? It made her smirk ever so slightly. They both had good excuses, but she wondered if he would see it in him to visit for no reason at all. Times had changed, certainly. "We do not boast many warriors," she said surely, still waiting on Maverick's response. He knew the wolves of Seracia much better than she. "But perhaps we can work something out."