
Run Forest... RUN!




Expert Fighter (180)

Expert Navigator (180)

11 Years
Large species

Critical Observation!OverachieverPride - Pansexual
11-29-2022, 04:36 PM

The grizzly bear is quickly reconsidering his snack options as the donkey and reindeer deal damage to it. The beautiful spring day stands as a witness to the battle as bright red blood now streaks the grass and happy flowers that surround the them. Oscar continues to keep the grizzly’s attention on him, internally groaning at Nico as the small pup climbs on the bear’s back. He brays in the beast’s face, flat teeth reaching out to pinch the flabby skin on the bear’s cheek before dancing backward, away from the clawed paw that swings for his broad head.

Small hooves trample the lush green grass as Kyren bites the grizzly’s neck and the pair share a knowing look as the bear looks ready to retreat. They need to chase it away from Nico who lays in the flowers behind the bear. Hopefully the reindeer has the same idea because, with a sharp dip of his head, Oscar suddenly executes his plan. Legs churn as the ass races around the side of the grizzly, leaving Kyren an opening to prod the bear away from Nico. With the pup in sight, the donkey doesn’t stop, racing up to and past the coyote.

However, he does not leave the pup where he is, since, as he nears the boy, Oscar strikes out and easily plucks the pup’s small body from the grassy ground. Lifting him up, the donkey twists his head as he continues to run, depositing the boy on his back before he shouts, “Hold on!” Nico has little time to brace himself as the quickly donkey pivots, lining up his back end with bear’s hind legs and striking out with his back hooves. With Kyren’s help, the duo is able to force the predator to flee. Once it is gone, the ass heaves a sigh and swivels his head to check on Nico. With a great weariness in his voice, Oscar says, “Kid, we need to have a little talk.”

"Oscar Monaghan"

Be warned! Oscar can (and often times will) be an ass!
Oscar has a thick Irish accent and a Cochin Rooster companion named Nugget who is always nearby