
Bring It Back


10-17-2013, 12:25 AM

She lied. She lied. She lied to him. Lies were nothing strange to the titan. He had been a liar his entire life...But this time was different. She had begun to change him, to make him something better. She had promised him that she would stay with him and help him become something that she could be proud of and take back to meet her family...So where was she? She had said that she would go back to say her goodbyes to her family...but she had never returned. Had she realized the true monster that he was and that her endeavor was useless? That it was hopeless and that she would never be able to reform the murderer that he was. She had seemed so convincing and Demyan had no reason not to trust her words...but perhaps for the first time in his life, he had committed a mistake.

For some unknown reason she had saved his life; she had given him the second chance at life, to possibly continue to terrorize the rest of the world as he had been doing since the moment he had been able to walk properly. She had touched him...touched his heart, the one thing that the monster had never had, or at least never realized he had. Until she came along. But now, as he moved through thundering storm, he could acutely feel the organ in his chest constricting and twisting with such an intensity that it made it hard to breathe, choking the titan. She had lied to him. But he had lied to many before her, so why should it matter that she had lied to him? Because she was his little angel...the one who was going to save him from himself...but two seasons had been passed since he had last seen her...There was no hide or hair of her anywhere in this forsaken land and he was loosing it. He had been doing good, resisting the urge to slaughter every living creature that walked within sight, but that battle was now over. He could no longer fight it. He no longer had the strength to fight it. Why should be fight it when the reason that he was fighting had abandoned him?

The blood of some unlucky rogue wolf coated the monster, decorating his chest, forelimbs, throat and jaws, the creature's trachea hanging limply from his jaws as he trudged through the mud, the relentless rain pelting his grey form as thunder cracked overhead, illuminating the pitch darkness for a moment, allowing him to see just where his paws had led him; the weeping woods. It was the first place he had come across the nymph, where he had threatened to kill her, where she had healed him and where he had protected her from his sister. He should've killed her from the moment he lay eyes on her. He could've saved himself all this...pain. With a lumbering walk the titan would move towards the trunk where he had tripped over and gotten splinters stuck in his hide. The rage and hurt coiling inside of him would manifest itself into a physical act as he swung out with his forelimb, breaking off a piece of the trunk, sending it crashing against the nearest tree. WHY?! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?!!! The murderer would thrust his blood soaked jaws up to the sky, an anguished howl erupting into the stormy atmosphere, his voice lost in the howling wind. For the first time tears, hidden by the pouring rain, streamed down his grey cheeks, tumbling down to mix with the water that fell from the sky. Skull would be dropped down, muzzle nearly touching the mud beneath his paws, uncontrollable sobs rocking his massive frame. She had left him...

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