
smoke over the mountain



6 Years
12-06-2022, 02:13 AM

Banshee leaned down to take a bite of the Rabbit as her daughtered stirred. The waves of emotion made her smile a tad. Grumpiness forming into excitement as her words connected. Slowly chewing her food and then swallowing Ban decided to respond, "We are going to find some herbs." Honestly, Ban knew only a little bit more then the bare minimum when it came to healing. She could patch someone up in battle and could rattle off herbs that were useful for common ailments. But beyond that she wasn't too keen on the profession. That being said, her daughter showed signs of being rather interested in flora and was always asking questions about what the pretty flowers did. Hopefully soon Verity could train under a more knowledgeable healer but for now Banshee would have to do what she could.

After a few more bites from the both of them Banshee put the scraps from their breakfast away and looked to her daughter. "Ready?" With a swish of her tail the Klein girl moved to slip out of their den and towards the Rio. The riverbank showed promise of being rather rich with herbs and other medicinal matter. Ban glanced behind her to make sure Verity was keeping up. "We need to get you a herb pouch. Maybe we can find some materials while we are out. Keep an eye out."

It wasn't long before the duo came upon the river. Blue eyes took in the flowing water before she grew closer to the bank. That motherly instinct came into play rather quickly as she share a sharp glance with her daughter, "That current is stronger then it appears. Do not get too close to the bank, the closer you get the more slippery it is." She did not remain stern as she began to walk parallel with the water. Her pace was slow and her eyes began to scan the earth for anything promising.

[Image: Banshee-icon.png][Image: Cairn-Icon.png][Image: incubus-icon.png][Image: rhysand-icon.png][Image: thyri-icon.png][Image: Vaella-icon.png][Image: verity-icon.png]