
Growing up too fast

Fia <3



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
12-06-2022, 03:44 PM

By now she was simply counting down the days until her third litter was due to be born. This pregnancy had luckily been easier and less symptom heavy than her pregnancy with Fia had been so she had been able to continue her duties further into her pregnancy than she had last time even though it appeared that they would be welcoming two pups this time instead of one. She knew it was too much to hope for to think that she might have a second set of twins, but the thought crossed her mind none of the less. She had already been given three wonderful children that she was confident could carry on the Mendacium legacy after her—as long as these two were happy and healthy she wasn't too concerned about anything else.

Today she had kept fairly close to their family cave instead of doing her usual patrols, instead delegating those to Avacyn, Saracyn, and Deimos as she steadily began to feel that familiar restlessness that she now knew was just a precursor to when these pups might be making an appearance. She made the short trip along the mountain path to visit Ikigai to have her do a brief exam to check on the pups and to request that she be the one to help her give birth. It was going to be strange to not have Irilyth at her side, but given the recent strife between her lover and her husband she knew it would likely be better to keep them separated for the time being. She had no doubt that Ikigai would be just as capable and she would feel better about not having the additional stress of worrying about Alastor and Irilyth while she was in labor.

As she was walking back to the den with a noticeable waddle in her step, Manea spotted Fiametta outside of the cave as well and she smiled as she came over to join her daughter. Their cave had been so quiet as of late now that Ava and Sara had branched out on their own so she was always glad for Fia's company. She knew that quiet wouldn't last long with new pups on the way, but considering she was used to seeing her eldest children day in and day out for the last two years their home now felt empty without them. She pressed a light kiss to Fia's cheek once she reached her and asked, "What are you up to, my little flame?"

Manea | Temno | Ciemny