
Bring It Back


10-17-2013, 01:18 AM

He couldn't hear anyone that was following and he didn't try to. He didn't care anymore. Anyone who would dare to follow the murder was basically signing their death wish. Any scent that he could've caught to let him know that there was someone following him was drowned out by the rain out and the mud was that was on the verge of clogging up his nostrils. He wanted to die. He wanted to find her and rip her tiny throat out for having lied to him, for having broken her promise. He wanted to watch the light fade from the eyes of every living creature that passed by him. He wanted to taste their warm blood run down his throat and coat his insides. He wanted to decorate the world with the blood of all the living creatures. A whirlwind of emotions curled and coiled inside of his chest, making the pain he already felt because of her abandonment hurt even more. He shouldn't have cared. She was a nobody. An unimportant waste of a life...It hurt to think about her like that...his precious angel...How he hated her and loved her at the same time...He wished he had never met her...His life had been a lot simpler when he had been the ruthless murderer he had been born to be.

The squelching of paw steps would reach the gargantuan's ears, but he didn't care to look up. It didn't matter who they were. They were probably just passing by anyway. No one cared about the murderer who was loosing his mind. My dear; may I ask what is tormenting you so? Stupid. The titan would say nothing, his large skull snapping around to the right, powerful jaws unhinged and agape, dagger like fangs gleaming in the darkness as he launched himself at the stupid wolf who was asking him irrelevant questions. Get the fuck away from me before I rip your fucking throat out! His voice was a painful roar as his jaws snapped together, looking to clamp down on the woman's stupid face if she didn't move out of the way fast enough. If she was smart she would be out and running before he could make a second attempt at going through with his threat.

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