
Lesson One: Poultices

Healing Training



Extra small
12-06-2022, 10:55 PM

Excitement made it's way through every fiber that made up Verity's exitance. A group lesson in a proper pack with proper healers. She was thinking about it since it had been announced. Often times Ver found herself considering what the lesson could possibly be on. Poisons? She hoped it was about poisons. That would be so cool. But, Mother figured it'd be on something more tame like gardening or tending to minor flesh wounds. Either way, Verity would enjoy every last minute of it!

The little pup bounded behind her Mother. Doing her best to keep up with those tiny legs. Anticipation made her a bit sloppy with her steps and she may have tripped once or twice. But, thankfully no one was around to witness. Verity took in a little breath as the gathering came into view. A fire pit surrounded by stations with herbs on display. A smile stained her lips as Seere greeted them, "Hello Seere!" Her voice was still light but not as small as their previous encounter. Those nerves were long gone. Verity took a seat at her station and looked around at the herbs with curiosity. She paid little mind to the other Wolves filing in.

Verity perked up as the lesson began. Seere introduced herself to them all and followed up with a question directed to anyone in attendance. Verity thought for a moment, finding her words. "A poultice is a moist mixture of herbs." A pause. "It can help take away pain." The youngling tried to sound as smart as she could but some words were lost on her in the heat of the moment. With a flush of her cheeks she glanced to her Mother for reassurance. That was her first time ever speaking in front of a group in such a formal setting.