
Bring It Back


10-17-2013, 01:37 AM

Stupid woman. Was she looking to get herself killed? Clearly she had no sense of self-preservation as she merely dodged his lunge, keeping herself a good few paces away from him. He was hurt and nothing, not even an enraged Demyan, was more dangerous than a hurt one. A hurt Demyan had absolutely no regard for anything. Not for pain, not for pleasure, not for anything. He wanted to kill because he wanted to kill. That was the only way that he knew how to allow himself to stop feeling the hurt. When he killed he would loose himself in the kill, in the blood, in the gore. Killing made the hurt go away, but it didn't last. So he had to keep killing. There were plenty of creatures on the earth that he could kill, that would help him keep the hurt at bay for a long time. Maybe for the rest of his life or until he was finally killed himself or nature decided to take him. Neither of which he saw happening any time soon.

Cyan gems would fixate on the grey woman's throat, almost tasting the blood that ran through her jugular. She should've been gone by now, but clearly she had a death wish. Seeking to kill me for doing nothing won't solve your problems; speak of them and let the emotions free themselves from your trembling form. Did she not realize that he was beyond the point of words? No one could talk him into stopping; no one except her. But she long gone. And she wasn't going back. So he wasn't turning back. He was past the point of no return. But you are doing something. Breathing. Now shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of here and leave me the fuck alone before I rip your pathetic trachea out and use it to tie your muzzle shut! He was unable to keep the raw emotion from projecting through his voice as he threw himself towards the rogue bitch again, jaws snapping towards her forelimbs, looking to sink his fangs into one and crush the limb. He wanted her gone; he wanted her dead.

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