
Working together




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-07-2022, 04:07 PM

Avacyn chuckled as Albion agreed that they had more than earned their meal and continued to pull out the meal she had packed, laying it out at one edge of the hide she had unrolled so they wouldn't have to lay on the cold ground. It was nothing spectacular, just a couple of venison steaks that had been wrapped in a waxed cloth to keep the juices from dripping on anything else, a pot of honied berries, and a couple waterskins, but it would hit the spot given how much of an appetite they had worked up working on this thing. Once everything was unpacked and unwrapped, Avacyn settled in beside Albion with her side lightly leaning into his. She knew that it was an odd situation they were in with this arranged marriage that had been presented to them, but she tried to treat their relationship how she would be with anyone that she would care for or be affectionate with. She didn't want their interactions to be awkward so she purposefully did things to help him feel like he was just as welcome to return those affections like leaning into him or sharing little kisses. She hoped that her initiating that part of their relationship would help the rest flow a bit more easily.

After she had taken a few bites of her meal, she glanced toward Albion with a little smile. "Thank you again for helping me," she mentioned, curling her white-tipped tail around his hip affectionately while she enjoyed their picnic together. "It's always nice to be able to cross something off of the list, you know?" She turned her dark gaze back to the food at her paws, pulling off bites of venison and occasionally stabbing one of the berries with her claw to bring it to her mouth. As she finished the main course of meat she picked up another berry looking up toward Albion with a little smile as she swiped the berry off of her claw with her tongue. They often fell into comfortable silence when they were together, but she didn't mind in the slightest. With her world constantly being so busy and so full of wolves pulling her in one direction or the next, she quite enjoyed their moments of peace and silence together.

With their lunch eaten she leaned into his side a little more heavily, slipping one tiger-like paw around his foreleg as she settled into his larger frame. "If you could be doing anything in the world right now," she asked conversationally, peering up at him with a little grin while they snuggled together with just the quiet lapping of the lake in the background, "what would it be? What's your favorite activity to do when you're not working?"

"Avacyn Mendacium"