
Enchant Me



"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-07-2022, 09:03 PM
Cerberus easily got more comfortable once Ruse joined him though he wasn't really expecting to go right back to sleep or really at all until he had to be up for his patrol. He was happy that Ruse could be here for him, wanted to be here for him. And he knew it was reflected the same way to her. He had always spent a little more time with Scylla and Albi when they were growing up but not like he and Ruse were sharing now. He always found the time he could with each of their many siblings, and in a way that maybe made him distant at times but he tried his best. He of course felt closer to Siren and Dalila's kids compared to his younger siblings, but his duties and time sharing made his moments spent spread thin. Maybe the same as his father too. It never meant he loved any of them less.

Just in the few moments they had grown quiet, taking in what time they would have cuddling here until they slept or until Cerberus got up for the patrol, his paw slowly and carefully moved across her back but he still held that snug grip around her. It was only what felt like a few long moments before he leaned back just a bit and peeked through his eyelids down at his sister. He didn't want to pull her from him and disturb her so he didn't, but he was in a position where she could stay close and he could look down at her when his eyes cracked open.

His emerald eyes closed yet again as he still softly rubbed over her back and shoulder. Eventually his paw was drawn over her lower back and hips which, really just felt like an instinct to him. Not that was obvious and very barely noticed by even himself but he was feeling different as he came of age in the ways he felt physically with Ruse cuddled into him. Nothing he really acted on, he had never experienced feelings like it before though his father had already taught him about sex and the like. He wasn't comparing any of that to this moment right now, but it was a driving core of what was making him act this way. With one more light gaze down at her, his eyes shut again, but his careful paw still moved across her back and hips.

"Cerberus Kline"