
There goes the next contestant

seasonal fight prompt[beau/bells]



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

12-07-2022, 10:16 PM

The leaf litter kept the male somewhat more relaxed, along with the nearby scent of Luce. She was well withing sight of him and she seemed content with her herbs. The sunlight was filtering through what was left of the leaves on the trees here and he was content to close his eyes for the moment. His chin tilted up to the rays of light, until there was a sound he couldn't ignore. Crunch, crunch, crunch. His eyes snapped open and his eyes moved in the direction of the approach. They were coming from the Auster side.

Not a really strange thing. Though the final sight of Bellamy had him pressing his ears in worry. A glance in Luce's direction, and he was certain she hadn't done this to him on purpose. She knew he was scared he might hurt someone. There was something inside him that kept him more than protective over Lucy. In fact he was certain he would kill for her.

He slid his eyes back to Bellamy as she spoke. She wanted to fight him. But he wasn't certain. She was definitely more experienced and knew the song and dance of battle better than him. But who was he to refuse. After all Lucy had told him her mom was an alpha now.

"Alright. But after we talk, I could use some..... advice." he was quiet enough his voice wouldn't carry to Lucy, but Bellamy would hear it. He stood and turned to face her completely.

His legs loose but widened to make up for the slippery leaves beneath him. His ears pressed tight against his skull and he tensed his neck muscles. To him it wasn't a serious battle but he was fighting for Lucy he was sure. He put that in his head and turned on his switch. A low grumbling growl came forth as he let a snarl raise his lips and narrow his eyes. His tail was kept up behind him for his balance as he waited.

The moment Bellamy gave the okay or looked ready he leaped into action. Back legs bunching and springing. Bringing him to dash towards Bellamy and jaws opened aiming to grip onto her scruff with his teeth. He aimed to throw his chest into her chest. With an angle from the direct front he hoped it would force her to either rise up or be pushed back.

He just hoped the noise wouldn't be too startling to Lucy and make her think he was mauling her mother.

Bae-Syl vs Bellamy for Spar
Round 1/x
Age: over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Hunter

"Talk, 'Think.'

Word count: 421 words

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.

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1. There goes the next contestant Cryer's Ravine 10:40 PM, 12-02-2022 06:13 AM, 09-25-2023