
Bring It Back


10-17-2013, 02:12 AM

He was hopeless. Everything in the world was hopeless. There was nothing to look forward to, nothing to fear. There was just nothing for Demyan anymore. The only reason he he had to even consider changing into a better person had all but abandoned him. What reason did he have now? His bitch of a sister? She could give a rats ass about him. She was probably off being a whore and fucking everything with a pulse. She was worthless and useless for all he cared. She was more of an annoying pest than his actual sibling. This wasn't good for him. He was being poisoned by it. But it was making him worse...making him more ruthless, more unforgiving than he had even been in his life. Now that she was out of the picture he could get back to perfect his methods of killing and torture. He could get back to the one thing he enjoyed in this damn world; killing.

The woman would again evade his clutches, moving out of the way at the last second, enraging and frustrating the gargantuan that much more. He would come to skidding halt in the mud, talons digging into the muddy earth in an effort to keep himself from toppling face fist into the wet earth. Massive skull would whip around, burning cyan eyes locking in on the woman's figure. What the hell did she want from him? An an anguished roar would burst from his trembling bloody jaws, frame shaking uncontrollably. Why couldn't she just leave him alone! All he wanted to do was kill and she wasn't going to offer herself up to him to torture her as he wanted, then she had no reason to stick around and taunt him!

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